We did it! We reached the finish line and just in time as we got our first dump of snow this morning!!! Today is the final post of the Fall 2022 ORC, a wonderful event in which anyone can participate. The challenge of the ORC lies in completing a space within 8 weeks though in the this case I started months ago - it was a lot of digging! Please be sure to check out the other guest participants. See my earlier posts on our DIY patio week 1, week 2, week 3,week 4, week 5, week 6, week 7, and my other previous projects here; A boys room for 3, Family friendly beautiful vestibule.
I am sure you have heard it said that your greatest strength can also be your greatest weakness. One of my abilities has always been to see what could be, to cast a vision of how a space or thing could be changed or improved. I am also really good at understanding what the steps will be needed to accomplish the end goal, where I lack is a reasonable understanding of how long it will take. I suppose the blessing in that is I undertake projects that if I could understand in my bones how much work it would entail I might reconsider. The patio is likely the quintessential example of this. It is nearly exactly as I envisioned, it may in fact end up even better but I won’t know that until next year when the plants start to fill out. Having said that when I started the project back in May I was sure it would be 100% done by the middle of July!!! Well I am happy to report that is it done and today we woke up to a land covered in fluffy, cottony snow and the patio is still pretty!!! That is the beauty of both hardscaping (the block walls) and the colour scheme. I will admit that I did not think about how it would look in the snow and I absolutely love the contrast of the black deck and black concrete garden walls peeking out under the snow canopy.
Ok I know that most of you are here primarily to see the end result so let’s get to it, but just for old time’s sake one more of the before!

And from nearly the same spot these many months later.....

Ok, let's take a walk around the yard. If you remember we started with a plan and the overall goal was dedicated spaces for lounging, dining and easy access to the house and the trampoline.

The ease with which we can now access the house is amazing!!! Not to mention the beauty of having the BBQ up on the deck right beside the kitchen.
The perimeter of the patio is lined with vegetable gardens that are bookended with fruit bushes; raspberry and blueberry.

The dining area is close enough but also gives a buffer zone between the trampoline and the seating area. Perfect place for snacks and drinks too! We have already eaten out here and love it!

The prettiest morning light!

View from the deck. We easily have space for a sectional which is what we planned for but we are loving the flexibility of this set!

We all love hanging out on the patio - and the coffee table I built is sturdy enough for all the abuse it will surely get over the years.

Spy the baby radish, beets and carrots behind the table!

And so pretty in the evening too! I got the most amazing deal in store on these lanterns!